The bell curve is the Serpent With the lump in the middle Who ate Adam and Eve By convincing us we’re all mostly… But we’ve proven indigestible
When I started telling my employe… Apologies in advance! they still felt compelled by decor… No apologies needed which was how I ended exploitation
God gives us what is necessary but not sufficient because nothing is ever sufficient
If there is one thing we can all agree on it’s moral certainty
If we’re being scientific, then The more certain you are that quan… The less certain you become as to… i.e., It works like a charm And if we’re being honest, when
It didn’t matter that I’d been scrupulously carbon neutral; my interlocutors persisted until I realized that the desire to make… had left a vast carbon footprint o…
Home is where you go and you have to take their shit-eating grin
The opposite of modest isn’t immodest, it’s honest The opposite of immodest is confident
All forms of certainty are mutations of knowing that you must die which is why the true believer is always the most likely
What happens within the gray matte… has always been a gray area but as the gray scale falls from o… everything is in black and white including the technicolor dreamcoa…
Jews learned the hard way That because God sanctions God also sanctions– In this lies their certainty about… Most other nations just know
Average academics Have a pet theory Dominant academics Have a pet theory about pet theori…
It turns out they were right when they removed the self-destruc… explaining You won’t be needing this anymore now that you have autocorrect
In all my years as warden I could never figure out how to co… with NFPA code “Access to exits shall be marked b… readily visible signs in all cases…
The epic poem for this epoch will have to say the most with the least