If my peccadillos Are mere cigarillos Why is my hide as thick as an arma…
Lao Tse said of the Tao that “You can use it any way you want” Jacques Lacan further insisted th… you should only use it the way you… when he said
We’ve got enough to go on That there’s enough for everybody So long as we are tough enough But we couldn’t leave well enough… And soon enough
The critique of pure reason should have been that rational thought is impossible unless paired effectively with fee… As AI reaches escape velocity
Author your own story By questioning your own authority In order to find out What you are trying to control And if, like me
I was shunned And all I can think about is What will happen if I am shunned
I wish I could be the Lone Ranger Instead like everyone else I’m the known stranger
It feels like I’m writ– ing an unauthorized au– tobiography
Life’s greatest mystery is how other people could possibly have as little interest in my Spotify playlists
We’ll know we’ve seen the Enlight… When we don’t know who we are From one moment to the next Because, where once The One thing we wanted
You’ve met your femme fa– tale when you can’t stop wishful thinking about her
I don’t give a darn about my bland reputation
The phrase A woman’s intuition Tells us that a woman Is more intuitive Than a man
Monotheism is true; Liberalism works Put them together and The true works
If you take the cognitive map of… and rip it in half you’re left with two Google Maps: the one on the right of Israel