Charlotte B. Williams

To Have A Dream

The best things come to those who dream,
that life can bring most anything.
To have a dream is to know before,
that life can bring an open door.
Martin Luther dreamed that people should be,
treated equal, and be allowed to be free.
To dream and to hope is for us all,
no matter what the plan or call.
God Himself gives man a dream,
He’s given them their self esteem.
To believe that we can be, what God created us to be,
To believe that we will see, what God created us to see.
Whatever the dream, whatever it be,
we should follow it so we can see,
Gods plan unfold to guide our life,
no matter what the sacrifice.
Many went down in history,
because they dreamed what they could be.
For they believed one day they’d see,
Their dream unfold rewardingly.
As we dream and days go by,
it seems we’re reaching for the sky.
continue to dream just keep right on,
til all your fears and doubts are gone.
Don’t give up, keep up the press,
and you will find lifes happiness.
One day you’ll see your dreams come true,
and all you dream will come to you.
H.S.I. © 2012 -22.

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