My heart goes out to single people who desire to be married, especially women. I just believe that there's a special someone just for them.
Daughters are the names of those you bare when it’s a girl, and actually there are a lot of Daughters in the world, but when you have your own,
The gift of God, is Christ His S… The Lamb Of God, the Holy One. So precious was the life He lead, So precious was the Blood He shed… Oh Christ! beloved Son of God.
The flag is bright, with all it’s strips, it’s beautiful to see… How beautiful it’s colors as it’s waving out to me. And we must keep it waving out
The kiss after the wedding vows this indeed is a beautiful kiss. as two hearts join to become one, is there any quite like this? The kiss, the way another person
Our minds are such a busy place, full of lots of storage space. good thoughts, bad thoughts, happy thoughts, sad thoughts. Settle down mind and take a rest,
The subjective one says ok, I’ll go along with you today. The Objective one says oh no, I don’t think I want to go. Sometimes objectiveness is not goo…
Some really do not know me They don’t really see They don’t see what’s in my heart My life’s destiny My deep devotion to God
Ah sweet memories, as another day passes again I recall. Embracing old times, remembering days gone by
A lady stole my wallet, while I was in the store. but they caught up with the lady, before she got out the door. They saw it all on the monitor,
Ahhh, life what can we say? To open our eyes, to take another… what a privilege, what a mystery to be who we are. To have destiny and purpose
Sons are those a mother loves, and bears within her heart. Whether they are near to her, or whether far apart. It matters not because her love,
Love for your husband, love for your wife, love for everyone in your life. Love for your enemies? because hate is not good,
Terrible things began to happen, things we can’t even imagine, but the optimist said it will be o… Though already bad, things got eve… worse, but the optimist said, He w…
America is full of people, what beautiful people they are, Colorful, and so lovely, living near, and far. People of different cultures,
Hello Sky, every morning I see, Your billowy clouds looking down a… While riding along enjoying my day… It seems that you have something t… Hello sky, to me you’re a sign,