HIS lot how glorious whom the mus… Her first high-priest in this brig… Aglow with light from her aspiring… Catching the raptures of her Grec… Lifting these later days to height…
Nightly I watch the moon with sil… Flaking the city house-tops, till… Thy memory, Rosa, like a presence… Down in her light: for ever in her… Thy soul’s similitude my soul hath…
Behold an Indian isle, reposed Upon the deep’s enamoured breast, Even like a royal bride, be-rosed With passion in her happy rest. Or, when the morn is there disclos…
A LONELY boy, far venturing fro… Out on the half-wild herd’s faint… ’Mid rock-browned mountains, which… Glare into haggard chasms deep ado… A rude and craggy world, the prosp…
MARK yon runnel how ’tis flowing… Like a sylvan spirit dreaming Of the Spring-blooms near it blow… And the sunlight in it gleaming! Where that shelving rock is spied,
Hapless is he who meditates the N… Where Trade is all in all, intent… Enduring Verse! for none will dee… His “divine art,” however he be sk… There Taste, like Beauty by the h…
Could we as mortals but our end fo… How little in our minds the world… Could we as spirits but this life… And be again incarnate as we were, How little might be done like what…
Of Cora, once so dearly ours, Would mournful memory sing; Of how she came when came the flow… To leave us with the spring. That day (returned) which gave her…
First see those ample melons-brind… With mingled green and brown is al… For they are ripe, and mealy at th… And saturate with the nectar of th… And here their fellows of the mars…
LITTLE, perhaps, thou valuest v… Little hast read of what my hand h… Yet I with thy brave memory would… The muse’s amaranths. For thou we… For freedom; well her sacred lesso…
My soul is raying like a star, My heart is happier than a bird, And all to hear through fortune’s… One promissory word. A sound as simple as the low
My country! I am sore at heart fo… An in mine ear, like a storm-heral… A voice against thee gathers warni… Lo, in what hands seem now thy des… Hands grasping all, through party…
A Dealer, bewitched by gain-promi… Settled down near my Station, to… And to sell to, my men too! from w… Until then, I had screw’d just wh… And for this, to be sure, I so ha…
Spirit of Dreams! When many a toi… Shut paradise from exiled Adam’s… Two wedded powers were given thenc… On either hand, companions of his… This Hope was named in heaven, wh…
FIT winding-sheet for thee Was the upheaving eternal sea, Fit dirge the tempest’s slave-alar… For yokeless as the waves alway Thy thoughts went sounding forth,…