#1977 #AmericanWriters #LoveIsADogFromHell
there was a frozen tree that I wan… but the shells came down and in Vegas looking across at a g… at 3:30 in the morning, I died without nails, without a co…
I met a genius on the train today about 6 years old, he sat beside me and as the train
half drunk I left her place her warm blankets and I was hungover didn’t even know what town
Office of Postmaster—United States Post Office—January 1, 1970 The attention of all employees is directed to the Code of Ethics for postal employees as set forth in Part 742 of the Post...
we buy the scandal sheets at the s… get into bed and eat pretzels and… the church bells ring and the dogs… we turn on the tv and watch very b… then she goes down and brings up i…
I am watching a girl dressed in a light green sweater, blue shorts,… there is a necklace of some sort but her breasts are small, poor th… and she watches her nails
he got knifed in broad daylight, c… holding his hands over his gut, dr… on the pavement. nobody waiting in line left their… he made it to the Mission doorway,…
To pacify Lydia I agreed to go to Muleshead, Utah. Her sister was camping in the mountains. The sisters actually owned much of the land. It had been inherited from their father. Glendol...
Markov claims I am trying to stab his soul but I’d prefer his wife. put my feet on the coffee table and he says,
Information has been received in this office indicating that you were arrested by the Los Angeles Police Department on March 12, 1969, on a drunk charge. In this connection, your atten...
people went into vacant lots and pulled up greens to cook and the men rolled Bull Durham or smoked Wings (10 a pack) and the dogs were thin and the cats were thin and the cats learned h...
yesterday drunken Alice gave me a jar of fig jam and today she whistles
women don’t know how to love, she told me. you know how to love but women just want to leech.
as the spirit wanes the form
we talk about this film: Cagney fed this broad grapefruit faster than she could eat it and