#AmericanWriters #1993 #ThePleasuresOfTheDamned
here comes the fishhead singing here comes the baked potato in dra… here comes nothing to do all day l… here comes another night of no sle… here comes the phone ringing the w…
your life is your life don’t let it be clubbed into dank… be on the watch. there are ways out. there is a light somewhere.
luxury ocean liners crossing the water full of the indolent and rich passing from this place to that
the mockingbird had been following… all summer mocking mocking mocking teasing and cocksure; the cat crawled under rockers on p…
They had this thing called Training Class, and so for 30 minutes each night, anyhow, we didn’t have to stick mail. A big Italiano got up on the lecture platform to tell us where it was....
I am driving down Wilton Avenue when this girl of about 15 dressed in tight blue jeans that grip her behind like two hand… steps out in front of my car
he hooked to the body hard took it well and loved to fight had seven in a row and a small fle… over one eye,
I know a woman who keeps buying puzzles Chinese puzzles blocks
a very miraculous thing just happe… my beerbottle flipped over backwar… and landed on its bottom on the fl… and I have set it upon the table t… but the photos were not so lucky t…
looking out the window smoking rolled cigarettes drinking Sanka and watching the workers come on in
I only met one student at City College that I liked, Robert Becker. He wanted to be a writer. “I’m going to learn everything there is to learn about writing. It will be like taking a ca...
they say that nothing is wasted: either that or it all is.
I remember the Model-T. Sitting high, the running boards seemed friendly, and on cold days, in the mornings, and often at other times, my father had to fit the hand-crank into the front...
the dead can sleep they don’t get up and rage they don’t have a wife. her white face like a flower in a closed
vain vanilla ladies strutting while van Gogh did it to himself. girls pulling on silk hose