#Americans #XXCentury #1973 #AtTerrorStreetAndAgonyWay #BurningInWaterDrowningInFlame
I’m glad when they arrive and I’m glad when they leave I’m glad when I hear their heels approaching my door and I’m glad when those heels
Nothing matters but flopping on a mattress with cheap dreams and a beer as the leaves die and the horses d… and the landladies stare in the ha…
is the slim tall ear-ringed bedroom damsel dressed in a long gown
she was sitting in the window of room 1010 at the Chelsea in New York, Janis Joplin’s old room. it was 104 degrees
god I got the sad blue blues, this woman sat there and she said are you really Charles Bukowski?
it was up in San Francisco after my poetry reading. it had been a nice crowd I had gotten my money I had this place upstairs
A week later I was driving down Hollywood Boulevard with Lydia. A weekly entertainment newspaper published in California at that time had asked me to write an article on the life of the...
there are worse things than being alone but it often takes decades to realize this and most often
I’ve always had trouble with money. this one place I worked everybody ate hot dogs and potato chips
he comes out at 7:30 a.m. every da… with 3 peanut butter sandwiches, a… there’s one can of beer which he floats in the baitbucket. he fishes for hours with a small t…
here I am in the ground my mouth open and
shot in the eye shot in the brain shot in the ass shot like a flower in the dance amazing how death wins hands down
shot off his left ear then his right, and then tore off his belt buckle with hot lead, and then
you haven’t lived until you’ve been in a flophouse with nothing but one light bulb
I don’t beat the walls with my fis… I just sit but it rushes in a tide of it. the woman in the court behind me h…