#Americans #XXCentury #1993 #ThePleasuresOfTheDamned
After Debra left for work the next morning I bathed, then tried to watch t.v. I walked around naked and noticed that I could be seen from the street through the front window. So I had a...
I was editing a little magazine at the time, The Laxative Approach. I had two co-editors and we felt that we were printing the best poets of our time. Also some of the other kind. One o...
all the way from Mexico straight from the fields to 14 wins 13 by k.o. he was ranked #3
I have been looking at the same lampshade for 5 years and it has gathered
The flies are angry bits of life; why are they so angry? it seems they want more, it seems almost as if they are angry
they don’t make it the beautiful die in flame— suicide pills, rat poison, rope, w… ever... they rip their arms off,
I took the envelope home to my mother and handed it to her and walked into the bedroom. My bedroom. The best thing about the bedroom was the bed. I liked to stay in bed for hours, even ...
she had huge thighs and a very good laugh she laughed at everything and the curtains were yellow and I finished
red-eyed and dizzy as I the bird came flying all the way from Egypt at 5 o’clock in the morning, and Maria almost stumbled on her s…
My German doctor walked up. The one who had given me the blood tests. “Congratulations,” he said, shaking my hand, "it’s a girl. 9 pounds, 3 ounces.” “The mother will be all right. She ...
a girlfriend came in built me a bed scrubbed and waxed the kitchen flo… scrubbed the walls vacuumed
you haven’t lived until you’ve been in a flophouse with nothing but one light bulb
I went to this place to see a movi… on tv Alexander the Great, and here come the armies ta ta ta
A week later I was driving down Hollywood Boulevard with Lydia. A weekly entertainment newspaper published in California at that time had asked me to write an article on the life of the...
murder the roaches spit out paper clips and the helicopter circles and cir… smelling for blood