Charles Bukowski

car wash

got out, fellow said, “hey!” walked toward
me, we shook hands, he slipped me 2 red
tickets for free car washes, “find you later,”
told him, walked on through to waiting
area with wife, we sat on outside bench.
black fellow with a limp came up, said,
hey, man, how’s it going?”
answered, “fine, bro, you makin’ it?”
no problem,” he said, then walked off to
dry down a Caddy.
these people know you?” my wife asked.
how come they talk to you?”
they like me, people have always liked me,
it’s my cross.”
then our car was finished, fellow flipped
his rag at me, we got up, got to the
car, I slipped him a buck, we got in, I
started the engine, the foreman walked
up, big guy with dark shades, huge guy,
he smiled a big one, “good to see you,
smiled back, “thanks, but it’s your party,
pulled out into traffic, “they know you,”
said my wife.
sure,” I said, “I’ve been there.”
Other works by Charles Bukowski...
