#Americans #XXCentury #1977 #LoveIsADogFromHell
I’d tell them to have an unhappy l… affair, hemorrhoids, bad teeth and to drink cheap wine, avoid opera and golf and chess, to keep switching the head of thei…
I was surprised the next morning when April knocked on the door. April was the one on ATD who had been at Harry Ascot’s party and who had left with the speed freak. It was 11 am. April ...
the dead can sleep they don’t get up and rage they don’t have a wife. her white face like a flower in a closed
There was this place. It stretched over the sea, it was built over the sea. An old place, but with a touch of class. We got a room on the first floor. You could hear the ocean running d...
I was sitting with an anarchist from Beverly Hills, Ben Solvnag, who was writing my biography when I heard her footsteps on the court walk. I knew the sound—they were always fast and fr...
shot off his left ear then his right, and then tore off his belt buckle with hot lead, and then
what’s bad about all this is watching people drinking coffee and waiting. I would
they’d come around and they’d ask “you finished your 2nd novel yet?” “no.”
luxury ocean liners crossing the water full of the indolent and rich passing from this place to that
yes, they begin out in a willow, I… the starch mountains begin out in… and keep right on going without re… pumas and nectarines somehow these mountains are like
old grey-haired waitresses in cafes at night have given it up, and as I walk down sidewalks of light and look into windows
the pleasures of the damned are limited to brief moments of happiness: like the eyes in the look of a dog… like a square of wax,
the Mexican dancer shook her fans… me and her ass at me, I didn’t ask her to and my woman got mad and ran out of th… it began raining and you could hea…
this is important enough: to get your feelings down, it is better than shaving or cooking beans with garlic. it is the little we can do
probably from the belly button or… bed, or maybe from the mouth of th… the car crash on the avenue that l… scattered on the grass. she comes from love gone wrong und…