#1993 #AmericanWriters #ThePleasuresOfTheDamned
Some say we should keep personal r… poem, stay abstract, and there is some r… but jezus; twelve poems gone and I don’t keep…
you’ve got to fuck a great many wo… beautiful women and write a few decent love poems. and don’t worry about age and/or freshly-arrived talents.
he packaged it up neatly in differ… sending the legs to an aunt in St.… the head to a scoutmaster in Brook… the belly to a cross-eyed butcher… the female organs were sent to a y…
I was a bum in San Francisco but… to go to a symphony concert along… and the music was good but somethi… audience was not and something about the orchestra
never even in calmer times have I ever dreamed of bicycling through that
I have a saying, “the tough ones a… back.” but Vera was kinder than most, and so I was surprised when she arrived that night
the critics now have me drinking champagne and driving a BMW and also married to a socialite from
sleep at Lila’s and in the morning we get the breakfast special at th… then it’s up to her friend Buffy’s… Buffy has boy twins, father in dou… in a $150-a-month apt.
they go on writing pumping out poems— young boys and college professors wives who drink wine all afternoon while their husbands work,
“she shoots up in the neck,” she t… me. I told her to stick it into my ass and she tried and said, “oh oh… and I said, “what the hell’s the m… she said, “nothing, this is New Y…
I can remember starving in a small room in a strange city shades pulled down, listening to classical music I was young I was so young it hur…
We ran up the long ramp. I was ca… At the escalator Tammie saw the f… “Please,” I said, “we only have f… “I want Dancy to have the money.” “All right.”
We were in the air twenty minutes when she took a mirror out of her purse and began to make up her face, mostly the eyes. She worked at her eyes with a small brush, concentrating on the...
Back in L.A., there was almost a week of peace. Then the phone rang. It was the owner of a Manhattan Beach nightclub, Marty Seavers. I had read there a couple of times before. The club ...
dying for a beer dying for and of life on a windy afternoon in Hollywood listening to symphony music from m… on the floor.