Celia Thaxter

The Pimpernel

SHE walks beside the silent shore,
    The tide is high, the breeze is still;
No ripple breaks the ocean floor,
    The sunshine sleeps upon the hill.
The turf is warm beneath her feet,
    Bordering the beach of stone and shell,
And thick about her path the sweet
    Red blossoms of the pimpernel.
“Oh, sleep not yet, my flower!” she cries,
    “Nor prophesy of storm to come;
Tell me that under steadfast skies
    Fair winds shall bring my lover home.”
She stoops to gather flower and shell,
    She sits, and, smiling, studies each;
She hears the full tide rise and swell,
    And whisper softly on the beach.
Waking, she dreams a golden dream,
    Remembering with what still delight,
To watch the sunset’s fading gleam,
    Here by the waves they stood last night.
She leans on that encircling arm,
    Divinely strong with power to draw
Her nature, as the moon doth charm
    The swaying sea with heavenly law.
All lost in bliss the moments glide;
    She feels his whisper, his caress;
The murmur of the mustering tide
    Brings her no presage of distress.
What breaks her dream? She lifts her eyes
    Reluctant to destroy the spell;
The color from her bright cheek dies,—
    Close folded is the pimpernel.
With rapid glance she scans the sky;
    Rises a sudden wind, and grows,
And charged with storm the cloud-heaps lie.
    Well may the scarlet blossoms close!
A touch, and bliss is turned to bale!
    Life only keeps the sense of pain;
The world holds naught save one white sail
    Flying before the wind and rain.
Broken upon the wheel of fear
    She wears the storm-vexed hour away;
And now in gold and fire draws near
    The sunset of her troubled day.
But to her sky is yet denied
    The sun that lights the world for her;
She sweeps the rose-flushed ocean wide
    With eager eyes the quick tears blur;
And lonely, lonely all the space
    Stretches, with never sign of sail,
And sadder grows her wistful face,
    And all the sunset splendors fail.
And cold and pale, in still despair,
    With heavier grief than tongue can tell,
She sinks,—upon her lips a prayer,
    Her cheek against the pimpernel.
Bright blossoms wet with showery tears
    On her shut eyes their droplets shed.
Only the wakened waves she hears,
    That, singing, drown his rapid tread.
“Sweet, I am here!” Joy’s gates swing wide,
    And heaven is theirs, and all is well,
And left beside the ebbing tide,
    Forgotten, is the pimpernel.
Otras obras de Celia Thaxter...
