Celia Thaxter


MY little grandson three years old
    Sleeps by my bedside nightly,
Through the long hours of dark and cold,
    Dreaming he slumbers lightly.
He feels my love around him fold,
    And in its heart reposes,
Upon his hair a gleam of gold,
    His cheeks like damask roses.
All through the chill and silent night
    I stretch a hand caressing,
To draw the blanket, warm and light,
    About him, with a blessing.
In sleep he knows that touch so sweet,
    So lingering and tender,
Turns his dear face my palm to meet,
    With soft and glad surrender.
O God of pity and of love,
    Have patience with our blindness,
Thy hand is stretched our heads above
    Warm with Thy watchful kindness.
Give us this baby’s perfect faith!
    Whatever ills assail us,
Help us to feel, in life or death,
    That Thou wilt never fail us.
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