Celia Thaxter

For Christmas

“THY own wish wish I thee in every place.”
    The Christmas joy, the song, the feast, the cheer,
Thine be the light of love in every face
    That looks on thee, to bless thy coming year.
Thy own wish wish I thee. What dost thou crave?
    All thy dear hopes be thine, whate’er they be.
A wish fulfilled may make thee king or slave;
    I wish thee Wisdom’s eyes wherewith to see.
Behold, she stands and waits, the youthful year!
    A breeze of morning breathes about her brows;
She holds thy storm and sunshine, bliss and fear,
    Blossom and fruit upon the bending boughs.
She brings thee gifts. What blessing wilt thou choose?
    Life’s crown of good in earth or heaven above,
The one immortal joy thou canst not lose,
    Is Love! Leave all the rest, and choose thou Love!
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