Celia Thaxter


THE childish voice rose to my ear
    Sweet toned and eager, praying me,
“I am so little, Granna dear,
    Please lift me up, so I can see.”
I looked down at the pleading face,
    Felt the small hand’s entreating touch,
And stooping caught in swift embrace
    The baby boy I loved so much,
And held him high that he might gaze
    At the great pageant of the sky,
The glory of the sunset’s blaze,
    The glittering moon that curved on high.
With speechless love I clasped him close
    And read their beauty in his eyes,
And on his fair cheek kissed the rose,
    Sweeter than blooms of Paradise.
And in my heart his eager prayer
    Found echo, and the self-same cry
Rose from my heart through heaven’s air,
    “O gracious Father, lift me high!
”So little and so low am I,
    Among earth’s mists I call to Thee,
Show me the glory of Thy sky!
    Oh lift me up that I may see!"
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