Lost Soul

Behind the Gates

I take it in
Get up, go down, open windows, shout out loud
Yell, scream, kick and finish making lists
Of all those, and love, and those I wish could love
Then take one more
And it starts to pour
Scorching the core
Not from the sky or the sink
Mainly just when I blink
For the world is so full of this thing
If only we asked each other
If only we helped each other
If only we could learn to be there
Learn to share
And dare
To care
And if after daring there comes caring
Why are we so tired of sharing?
It’s time to come together
For there is no “I” in team
But there is an us in push
Which is how we’ll fight
Til we see the light
Together as one
Standing strong, because together– we’ve already won.

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