Madonna, by Edvard Munch


Not even gonna try to be coy here. In this section as I usually least it's finished now.

I have a Destiny with a falling flame
A dinosaur, waiting for extinction
I have a soul, back, to claim
Have you already imbibed my intinction?
Yes, for I have certain intentions
These words could have many explanations
But I have only certain intentions.
I know it is not easy
but there is an honest explanation.
Our world is all roads and cars
We scream we can’t get along
We don’t hear the song and lack of distinction
But our world is all roads and cars
The veins in a planet of palpitations
Showing how we all affect one another
yet, all have a desired and set destination.
I want a destination
Wearing An upright crucifixion
A trip somewhere
Am I simply damned to be godless instinct?
Someone rip wood from a chair.
Born again. Somewhere.
But can I be blamed for being scared?
Oh, that’s more than fair.
I dug my own grave.
And I dug deep with a flair.
With the objects I dare
To say, I crave
But the mystery is do you care?
to do anything to save?
Or are you too busy saving yourself?
A distraction isn’t much
But it’s worth something off the shelf.
It’s worth a certain kind of touch.
A distraction isn’t much out of wealth.
Yet it’s worth something more.
coming out of stealth.
Living without dreams
Without ambitions.
I will not do it anymore.
Oh the end of an October.
Got to a door and it was locked
5 times over
Yet I was Born to pick locks through manipulation
born to make sudden active decisions
And even love harder under any situation.
Even if they were wrong.
Just fine. We get along
You always say you couldn’t live with out me.
But without me, I feel you’d feel free..
I was told, “You have a power I don’t like over me.”
I always thought that was called protection.
With all the right intentions.
But maybe I was wrong.
Maybe I was wrong.
Mixed up a stack of invitations
But we get along.
Just we have had too many investigations
I have something I gotta investigate within him
Something there I cannot begin to understand
My heart is beating again.
In a manner I thought banned
Tell me you don’t agree with me?
But be warned, I offend.
people who think their leaving society
Never see they carry society with them.
You’ll have a fire to tend
You’ll have a fire to tend
And me? Ill have wall to mend.
And in the mire we will bend.
Stoke it, build it, breath it
Drink it in.
I act out, an actor, never playing pretend.
You told me my tongue split in two.
And I hissed and grew fangs.
maybe my mouth just wasn’t meant for you
Look what you do.
Causing hell just to say
I lash out and coil up for no reason at all.
A vampire crawling up your walls
All those wicked shadows crawl
You tell me.
they smother out the light
No end in sight?
Just a vampire crawling up your wall.
For no reason at all.
Tell me again so I understand
Tell me so instead of creep, Ill stand tall.
You said my will was not meant for this earth.
Yet, I’ve felt the strongest of those claws
But I’m the only one to blame in here.
But I’ll break free
Sever my chain.
Leaving a bloody stain.
I cut free.
But where to begin?
Where to begin?
Share the blame.
Share the blame.
Don’t tell me you don’t feel the same
Because I named something it’s true name.
I only seemed cold.
But I agree I was always old.
I woke up in white
And at night
Red surrounded me.
And it was the child in my soul
that told me so.
Or would I have ever really known?
Now I’m gonna follow a fate line
Across to a plain I’ve seen before
And I knew it once, walked their floor.
But didn’t know it then quite like I do now.
No, it’s quite different from before.
I’m walking out into a bloody sea again
Only to be washed hard back onto the shore.
Can I escape at low tide?
I just unto you implore
Cut the rope from the dock
I know not to ever imply.
But has there ever been a shock?
Is there even a tear to cry?
Just longing sighs
and shaded eyes.
A stare setting the wall behind you afire.
Why do I never tire?
Though the desire
is very ancient
It is so impossibly dire.
I even once spoke less and not more.
Yet, I was never known to be terse
Yet abruptly I’m here, up from the floor
Perhaps it sounds a bit rehearsed.
But I’m all in white and a bit perverse.
Unable to throw myself into reverse.
Should I move forward, not a clue.
And Know I not yet, if this is a gift or curse
I believe I feel this to my core.
I certainly can deal with another curse
It’s only the gift I have never felt first.
It’s the gift I’ve never gotten used to getting first.
I’ve been told I’m simply all desire, hunger and thirst.
But there is great heart in me somewhere
That beats for someone other than myself
You don’t have to keep saying anything else.
Maybe you didn’t know me like you thought.
Maybe you didn’t love me like I thought.
Maybe it was just you, I first caught.
A fights that’s already been fought.
My name is the fight that’s already been fought.
I warned
I mix words and whisper puzzles
I wake oft on a bloody shore
And found I’ve gone no where.
I have a dead Stare
Affected by light and a smile.
A smile with a history a 1000 years wide
all Wild with guile
Controlled and reformed in style
But never how you think.
With me your only gonna sink.
in my story I was dead long ago
Mocking the steps and eyes of one in awe.
a hunter, in search of a hunt
I warned you twice that I warned you once.
Pin points and black holes
our eyes tell me all I need to know
But now I realize they are cold, dead and growing old.
What’s your poison?
pin points or black holes?
Monsters still live in them woods imbedded.
The ones others can’t see.
Take it from me
Take to the light and Stay free.
I’ve made pacts with the devil and I’ve spoke to God
He told me ..inside there is always evil,
Well I can and find its your job
And it is indeed but what I find so odd?
As your light outshines the sun
And I’m done.
The standards keep me frozen in time.
Your a leader, deviously making your own ladder.
While I am elevating,
In this tomb alive.
escaping, while your saying it’s so hard..
So hard to make it.
But you?
Ever tried to understand that In me?
Say your climbing from the cave
And I don’t have a hand to help and save.
No not anymore
I’m giving them away
I’ll give strength, then will
Take the strength and will away.
But pride before the fall I’ll say
Just new places, new faces.
And I’ll give them what they need
And they are perhaps what I need..
Just there to plant a seed?
Or a good deed?
Well I guess we shall see.
Won’t we ever see?
It was just climbing Out of that first circle.
Tainted us to the point
I did not belong anymore here and for once it was true, bones at a joint
Connected but ever moving back and forth
the wrong ways makes my spirit soar
Then I knew to stay down and listen to another face, another bound.
An ear that matched my own.
Should I slow down?
Have I ever slowed down?
Fool me twice
I’ll linger here and not around.
my dark would make the devil shudder
Don’t tell me you don’t want another
I fear my life was lived long ago.
Say it isn’t so?
Say it isn’t so?
I was always just a creature of nature.
But was I ever really a danger?
Why does everyone say no but you?
Quick to forgive yet quick to anger.
Yes but Were you my victim?
Or my maker?
You say I’m tearing you apart, asunder
Well you know the sight of blood to me is like thunder.
my eyes lit by lightning
and rain slipping down from skin to nails
A shelter from all hells
I am Simply underground
Waiting to be awakened.
By a light unexpected.

I sound like a nut here...but not too worry ..tis simply art to be related too...a story with a line and connection into alot of others I have written...conversations with the soul and new thoughts and feelings...and fights and love and Words are never quite what they seem...this could be seen so many ways...poetry is like code waiting to be decoded.

And I tend to stay away from vampire symbolism ..even though it's perfect ... I kinda hate everything except Dracula and Nosferatu and the Witcher. I like all the
older stuff when vampire was a dark religious symbol but so very symbolically human...all those old stories were a way of telling the story of the dark side of the human heart.. ... .yes...i love vampire stuff only because it's symbolism and my tendency to understand it....symbolism. ..never a fantasy. I'm definitely not the "Bella" in this situation haha..I don't even get this new stuff ..they stripped the vampire of it's literary importance and gave it to teenage girls to offense...I had to change a typo and of course elaborate if it's part of the poem notes sections...silly

#aspiration #blood #Desire #ego #fire #inspiration #light #love #newfeelings #pain #saved #separation #vampire

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