Seascape Study with Rain Cloud, by John Constable

The Sea.


The sea behind me
long past now
and I’ve no doubt that it was such a sea
the very same sea that I saw in you
that I saw in me.
Ive let it go and set it free
But it returned and ended up drowning me
And I have still yet to see
that it has changed or escaped away
Like the tide that has so much to say
Just rolls in and then rolls away
Every time the water leaves and I expect it to not return
it simply rolls back upon the sand beneath my feet
eating the sand beneath away
and takes me out again
so it cannot burn and it will not say
But just slowly drowns in a shallow sea
it is quieted now, where it laps but never seethes
yet within my mind the surf still roars and screams
Such a sea was never meant to be
At least that is what I tell myself
and at times I still believe
That this sea finds it hard to flee
and all that has ever drowned would likely agree
That to be drowned is better than to never see
All the foam and brine that sweeps what was to be
Can one miss what it does not see?
Harder and harsher than the sea.

short and sweet and very simple
same ol symbolism ...even the same rhymes and even lines I have used before...Its for a reason
I truly love using the sea as symbolism....
It says so much while saying so little
I have used this same idea, somehow, for so long.
I use the same rhymes as other poems on purpose...all rhyming with sea...
yep...nothing special really... just came to me recently.....well...very recently...and I just jotted it down on paper.. then put it up real quick...because why not?...I have quite a few to put up but its takes time because they are longer...this one was an easy post...its not great..but in a way powerful...to me at least ...

I have not been able to post in awhile because I forgot to pay my bill to the site..it has not let me back on ...and I refused to pay until the month was out...lol..I have so many poems of recent writings that Ive not posted yet..this one was short so I just went ahead and posted because it matches my normal symbols and it is somehow elegant and pretty and SHORT...something I dont do often you see.. ..and its easy to type up....not that thist should mean anything to anyone but me....hey..I just rhymed... :)

#confusion #loneliness #love #ocean #pain #sea #sorrow #unrequitedlove

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