Caricamento in corso...
The Silence, by Lucien Lévy-Dhurmer

Scorpion of the Southern Sky

The Scorpion told me of itself then of us it told me so...UNFINISHED....all off not obvious rhythm .I'll find it though.

Blinking eyes watch blinking lights
I watch the milky strip across the sky
but to the right my neck it fights
my head to the left where light does die
and as the sun goes down it sighs
then the scorpion looks me in the eye
and there goes a milky strip deeper cross the sky
the scorpion says to me
my heart it moves not.
so I shall tell you of warnings and wonders
do not let their hate and fear pull you under
their confused state take control
that foolish, righteous rabid state
for upon you and in them shall it take a toll.
that is your powers final goal.
cry not out at offense, voice no debate
it is their tiny hearts all a flutter, their only sad escape
your hearts and fragile minds must so debate
that is why you feel importance, good, calm and great.
so said the scorpion in the southern sky.
There is a balance that must be held
I do not speak for I cannot stand
I crawl because I know
I am only just one man
a blip on eternity
I look at you and you look at me
I look in you and you look in me.
a plague will flower upon the land
a plague will skewer upon the land
you will shudder when the very breeze begins to bend
never utter such a people so in schism, cannot be whole again
but do not fear it is only then
the world may grow greater than it began
what evil there is when the liar knows not he lies
that it is logic within disguise
that it is love within disguise
the world destroys itself.
your tiny orb that sees my eye is but a sparrow hawk with such sight
and an easy target its delight
but he cannot see himself
for there a mirror gives him fright.
there is a tale, a song in me
but somehow I cannot write or see
so I shall speak to you, perhaps you’ll not agree
there is nothing there, nothing strong in thee
but still nothing that could swallow me
until winter drinks me whole
yet spits me out again into the darkest sea
First I shall speak some of me.
that I can survey
I watch them but so long nothing have they to say
perhaps they speak to you and yours as across the skies we pace
I look often at the red mark upon his colossal face
it makes he a difference in the dark debris
the sea of people see him different
but a wonderment is he to me.
the lion and the son shines out and laughs
and the small messenger is all but swallowed in fire
and cold he rages my father
small and frozen in a farther under mire
then there is her beauty which in your eyes
eclipses like your moon
and I could only but watch her light
for a fiend I am to her, an ugly brute of doom
I see well he who fights and rebels with his red and warring might
I see the twins their hands entwined
and Chronos there wears the ring of time.
so many I know, you know them as well.
and then there are those which you will never know
that hide deep behind that you do.
across the milky strip that glows
there are many more like you.
look those pair of horns butting and arguing eternal.
yes I watch them all my friends and the infernal.
but I cannot look into thy false friend
though share we the sky.
He wears a belt across his waist
I cannot look into my false friend
For of his blood I was told to taste
Mother Artemis begged and bade me.
But time was young then and so now
I have something to tell of Gaia, life itself, the tree.
if you would listen anyhow.
the only thing I take oft in hand
and blisters does me not
is you and the dark within me
and I’ll tell you now of what I see
work is not your labor any longer
you will til the earth but not with tool and hand
your words command
“I shall destroy that I can see
by saying I love you but really I am loving me.”
your orb says this to me.
The elements laugh and so does the sand
It says I will cover said earth again
from the imbalance ill take my stand
Ill kill the balance that bravado already stole
and when they find they have forsaken such
I will upon you blow.
In the unbalanced I will place the hand of hate upon the land
and water share tear the earth again
and fire shall bald the earth again
for it has happened before can you understand?
for all with hearts that cannot, will not understand
it is the heart that weakens the meager lamb
strength small yet you demand
do not hold your heart within your hand
tis bound to kill the vibrations deep within your land
I dreamed I was known
my body smoke did enter
oil embraced my feet and the stars watched
and in my hands no splinter
the scorpion on the southern horizon whispered
watch these stars that can lonely stand
I know many a world
many worlds that I can mend
but some alike to yours
are harder to understand.
yet you would gasp at how you are all the same
just different you are in look and name
it is not your evil you should fear
but the evil taking higher hand
what the secret is I can surely say
nor good wholly can a world still fully stand
the balance must be sturdy like your mountains, grand.
Is your water ever only still and clear?
tumultuous tyrant can be the water still
I sing within the hills
and the hills cannot ever say
the clouds do never stay
when rain will often fall
with the ground falling green
so green I must so softly lay
but then an eagle in the sky
observes to rip an organ beating
and in the sun drying to decay
lay still the facts of sleeping
lay still the tide of reach
blowing wind which within my mouth, I reap
the solid above we cannot reach
for into me, imbalance leaps
know the balance can surely see
the balance strengthens we
who dare to laugh
who dare to dream
who dare to kill
and dare to lean
who dare to believe and dare to only disagree
who dare to say it is I who knows there is nothin in belief!
oh fear for those who in nothing higher than themselves
are ever that they see.
but even in the balance do they have a place, a dream.
the balance both is timid then it surely screams
for know now only the right amount will and should succeed
just as the unfortunate must bleed
and see
just see
their whole life has been a failure..
we laugh here in space and time of your idea of Utopia.
That is not life. Not any life that I have seen
no life is ever preserved
and that is its gift, you see?
those that say death chains us makes us weak
I say its what makes us strong and laughing at its tree
the tree that becomes us all.
when rot we in the ground beneath.
laughing is the tree a world and its branching streams.
rippling the earth
watering a grounds dry and open mouth
if only it would shut its mouth
it might could hear the scorpion in the south
those good they cannot see they are oppressively
the wall that stretches across the sea
the ruse round rust that makes it still
can be oiled away with oil of thy feet
that which freezes you in place
be a gift we sigh in seeps
sighing that knows no grace
come with me
come with me
I have seen things that cannot be seen
come with me
stay with me
there is a reason you cannot tell by now
is it you talking or is it me?
imbalance is but a never silent, raging sea
a fire over fed gorges itself, counts our dead
a fire under fed and goes out the light that cannot be
a fire perfect fed separates darkness from the dread
and in such darkness one can see!
and I see
Oh I see
with its unnatural I bereave
and in its natural I follow
for I know so now it sets me free.
So our evil has become our good
and good our tyrants hand.
oh mistake not the over pious
are not only those that look above
the only ones who understand now
are those that see death and love
hand in hand, life with blood.
is a balance still somewhere understood?
good is evil they scream and whine
tis all the same in end!
this their tiny minds in logic find
then oh does tragedies play begin
and understand they not why they shake and fear within
little child, you know nothing of good
or what some of yours call sin.
the balance becomes a line unseen
and a world gray, confused may revel
but in the deadness of the shining light
yet yes you shall dry up in the milky strip
a tiny blip
squeezed out in but one universes grip.
“Memento Mori” in the Autumn of November
all must become a memory
and then all must become a memory unremembered.
nothing but a flash in the sky
back into the well of souls we die, then come alive.
then the scorpions shining skin did dive
back into the horizon becoming light
and when night came again
spoke he riddles again within my sight
ascended he into the blackened sky.
as it has for ages spent
one last thing to say it smiles
for stars do not oft relent
all who read these words will believe
it is not of them I speak
Feel my grin as they are wrong.
It is all of you, who would ignore my song.
your souls that yell and weep forget
they first must truly seek.
while blindly dragging those good intentions along
It does not mean that you are wrong
your blind to everything you cannot believe.
it is wrong of course that which you cannot perceive.
then you throw words you think you know the meaning of.
and you think it wrong to look above?
you think your all the perfect understanding
all the perfect breed of heart and soul
yet you look within the mirror and wince
Oh you have forgotten you are blessed
your vanity a gross and greedy pretense
a sad victim who hates themselves, but still knows best.
Yes, you think, it is my way that is good and whole.
oh little children would you grow?
this heart of the scorpion told me so
the one from above whose tail
Ptolemies discoveries glow.
and so I asked should we fail?
so the scorpion said to me
I within its pincers grip
it told me and no not only me
that the land of our little orb
is a child that is lost in its sea
and of the salty waters do we sip
because we are thirsty with no patience
for the rain to fall within our lips
said he I know better than most a hot and sandy breath
Know I surely what it is like
to sting myself to death.
I am in the scorpions starry grip
but turn I, my head across the milky strip
Eyes blinking in sync with the eternal thousand raging sun
lights of truth in darkness destroy the clouds within my eye
and the foggy, foolish blunder, the dark matter bid me shun
the Scorpions heart of gold, lay south within the sky
tis blatant, unmoving.
and it could not, would not, ever to me lie.
I asked the scorpion are you dead or is it I?
“at this moment you know we have both been dead and we have both been alive.”
I asked the scorpion why I heard not a voice.
“A tongue has not been used to say a word.
Silence is all that need be heard
to understand what was passed between you and I.
Silence and the forces behind the sky.
Though I not be heard in your flesh, through your mind of fate, I surely cannot lie”
September 25, 2022

Ugh...i hate this now...its all out of place...completely unrealized....but I'll fix it...its a Pure mused poem. As in from the muses to my mind and through my hand. I was outside star gazing through telescope and started furiously writing in the dark lol...I enjoy scorpius and its heart...yea sure I am a "Scorpio" lol...if you believe in that stuff but that is not really why I love it. Its just a perfect constellation and actually looks like a scorpion unlike so many others.....and from above its tail Ptolemies cluster can be seen... the closest cluster to us. But yea I wrote quick and furious...this means its not truly done. So it is a little rough around the edges. It is not what I want it to be but right now this is all I got. FINALLY something came to me. I have been blocked for too long. I am tired of the insanity and idiocy of the world I am watching glued to their terror screens. Here in our nation both sides just scream and say well I am obviously right because your wrong. Pft....the world is laughing at us..we are like children. I always thought it obvious like two legs to the same body or like the heart and mind. Both are right and both are wrong but both necessary....but i will say now the balance is all off...and one is getting crazier than the other...and sides are splintering into smaller pieces...but the powers that be do not want that known. Divide and conquer is still the dream of every country. idk why I am writing my note section like a ranting political poem..its just good to finally write something somewhat worthy of putting up...well me....its not only a poem of the world today or dare I say politics ..(riddled politics) ...but also of the sky and earth and human ways and the eternal heavens and earth and its moving ups and downs...the balances that must be kept and it even has a little fantasy in it between constellations that mirror our own. Also obviously has alot of mythology as we are talking of stars and planets ...Even if I feel its premature and needs a better look. Its madness and the sound of drifting sanity is on fact it's a must to me for it ..idk why ..but that may make it unreadable or followable for most...and you also are not suppose to know if its is the scorpion speaking or me. (or you the reader when reading it) Farewell.

#constellations #earth #humans #mythology #politics #psychological #Scorpius #sky #stars

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