If one is branded with the evil eye
it is not to help, and from insidious survive
Never accept a shiny apple from anyone
it’s poison of course
you’ll come undone.
blaming your misfortune on all the wrong ones.
all right becomes twisted
and no attempt to resist it
for your faith is strong therein
a friend, a love or enemy
A dodger where once a Samwise
a Cleopatra, Juliet, Heathcliff
love once true is seen with evil eyes
you cannot trust the Brutus or the kiss of Judas
it is no remedy
this quite possible superstition
it will only bring a schism
a rainbow shot from a prism.
landed in small mirror lined prison.
one with no end.
from the hand of sweet enemy not protection but harm.
A desire to monitor and enslave
chain you by the arm.
to keep you in place, under their gaze.
blinding you from the light.
it started right then and there.
what You send out is what you get
Spiritual warfare is where I thrive
I feel alive
everyday..I die
every night and then am reborn again.
I give peace when I could give rage.
I could throw a fit but I act my age.
I would not vow myself to revenge
for I would avenge my enemy
and nothing is stronger than this.
Love an enemy? never.
but fight for them just to keep them above me
motivate me.
yes, your clever
and all it does
is hone my focus
not to destroy but to rise higher
send me 9 plagues
but I can eat the locust
and fire keeps me warm
it’s my gift
to keep calm when the earth begins to shift.
to make something from nothing.
use the dark to make my light
take chaos and flow it through me as a perfectly braided chain.
chaos in failure and chaos in gain.
I remember my own name
now you must remember to forget me.
a bad memory will still know me.
because I gave you forgiveness
I gave you mercy
when they branded you
I simply told you
in ways you refused to understand
because of earthly ideas
I speak through the spirit.
through the ebb and flow of time.
if one would just hear it.
it’s louder than creation and in every sign.
of course I speak quiet, too fast but true.
I don’t talk nonsense just to make a rhyme
but you aren’t there yet
because you choose not to
not because you see not your gifts
but because you think
you have already lived through.
it all
all the nine circles of hell.
so you know what you want.
I pray you get it and regret it not.
Im here to tell you
the nine circles
yes I believe you have.
but you cannot give them what they want.
what they took from you diminishes you not
unless you so let it.
so hand me nine plagues
oh my dear that wasn’t a plead nor beg
that was me watching the shadow of death
creep upon your threshold to steal your breath
and me there to put blood upon your door
I don’t do saving
Yet I cannot ignore
I’ll toss a lifeline to the drowning because it matters to me not
I did not beg but I do implore
to drop the cliche.
the rambling man, the rolling stone.
before all wind up falling, standing alone.
when it’s wrapping up in the deepest night
with one who can equal you.
understand and feel you.
hate you and still love you.
misunderstand yet still forgive you
anyone word against to defend you.
I cannot call it pity
I was just taking care
pure love, heated to boil.
that’s the kind that’s rarest
and most sought after in the world.
I only attempt to be the saint with the look of a sinner
I try, and that is all I can do.
I will be negative no longer.
I’ll become that much stronger.
with every single word spoken untrue
I stand against waves
and I still crave
Why seen as a Judas kiss
after all a kiss is a kiss.
and the smile you see is one of knowing.
an evil eye cast to keep you down
and you slapped away a hand given
to pull you up from the ground
and I still pulled the sun down
and I held up the moon.
all to create balance you shunned too soon.
an alien in an unknown land
a cat in a den of wolves
an apparition in a body of hands
Not to be touched where it leaves any impression
I cannot be anything but what I am
a well intentioned soul in a quick situation
just too hopeless when my vision is grand
instead of trying to understand
So many only control and use intimidation
As if their foundation depends on the sand
Leaking through the body in the hour glass
I look for more sand, not greener grass
Yet still trace the line of the brand
to make you seem like the better one
a bad scene was judged and took as fact
was it not known it was only the first act?
so chaos is an ingredient, so is the fight.
to make perfection come out. rising just right .
but only chaos is seen
but it’s because I can sit with the nine plagues and make it home
hug back Judas if he kisses my cheek
send the evil eye with love back to thee
and what comes are the knives that were thrown first at me
And please
do not think it gives me pleasure
but you get what you give measure by measure
chaos of course but controlled like the sea
chaotic ocean, showing emotion
stormy wrath one night
in morning a foggy confusion
afternoon windless and hot
taking you in.
and at dusk, calmly enfold you.
all that was seen was a chaos.
but there was not a mess
this I must do and this I must stress
For like the very sea
it’s very knowing of itself
I know who I am, I can surely see me
self awareness is a side effect of grief.
so why can’t I see it in the most jaded
oh certainly I know i, we are all faded.
but the light can bring color a palette of sunrise
but when all these wet and lingering lies
lay out in the sun and have begun to dry.
what makes us know very well yet not see
sooth sayer dreams
my sixth sense
my third eye
swallows up deception and disguise
my embrace keep still the Judas kiss.
chaos free though constrained can grow on with
bringing all into a beautiful conclusion
as I’m a master of transmutation
when enemies can do nothing but smear your name.
I’ll be the one to love you for it.
but not because I love pain.
and I’ll sit and take it
but because I take the rumor and dark and make it
braid it and tame it and create a force
Lay within source
to calm my sea
apologies and closure are simply another enclosure.
build a haven as I sit within hell.
the plague of fire come falling will give only wings to this Phoenix.
it’s not a guise, a fake or a trick
it’s not a play, I’m not on stage.
I am real to the fake.
and confusion shines in their face
i cannot be shook though my hands they shake.
even if I seem a liar, killer, harlot and snake.
I’m reflecting you back to you
not that I’ve never not been this
But I still spread purity maybe just not to myself
its that I see it and know I’ve much more to learn.
I can discern growth and rebirth
for I promise this
I sacrifice my calm to keep them still
Because pain is just another way to feel
for my every mistake? may my karma punish me.
but the judge of such be divine
definitely not you and not your kind.
I promise this
I seek not revenge and all of the hate
was forged out of me
and I seek only truth
and to calm and soothe
even though I am muse
To all emotional truth
Even when the target is off
The arrow flew true
It just is not always right
But it is imbued
With an energy of the same answer
it is not anger nor fight.
as much as it is this.
a humorous joke for the revenge in your glare
an embrace for the lying on your lips
staff of wisdom for all your plagues in my grief
and needles be damned from your stare
life’s never been fair
so do not dare
for the fallout will not discriminate
it will be yours and not only mine
this insidious touch dipped in hate
I cannot wish, for more than this.
just leave them behind
The evil eye, A Judas kiss.
and where could I ever be but between the loss and gains
between the lunacy and the sane.
in the middle
don’t ask me to choose sides
until one side has my name.
until one side I want to blame.
shame and ordain
oh what I never said aloud.
The evil eye has a hold on your wrist
you enclosed in a fist
I’m protected from you
and I see you entire
I am fire.
and I burn a liar.
I’m always me..ive never changed my spirit
but they cannot hear it
I’ve always known
and I chose you.
in my power
not pride.
never pride.
I’m a healer
a seer
a lover
but most of all a thrill.
a vibrational feel.
I can sense the love and hate
the sick and irate.
the weak that can be great
all the tricks of the evil eye
never come through
and it all starts when you come on through
with a new way of finding soulful bliss
I’ll turn the cheek to a Judas kiss
never to glow but brush out and unbind
I’ll from this life to the next.
be not the light leading but the dark behind.
I did for warn.
I am not the enemy
I am the warm.
but only the wrong you can see.
I cannot be controlled.
or under a power
i do not cower in a cowards shadow
but in the taller gaze standing equal with me
yet I’ll take a hand of the ancient natural order
but only ever border
giving over
of me.
take what is wanted
but I get what is given
I cannot help I am not haunted.
undaunted. and at anger I grin
when I light your path
and I fall not into any trap.
my energy untapped
who gets the last laugh?
I’ll give it away.
just to give another
a softer landing..
pure acceptance and understanding
the blood of the empath.
will willingly sit in the gray
of misunderstanding.
I see the hate and love of the lie
With a gifted and insightful all seeing eye.
—C R.Stanger