Ahasuerus at the End of the World, by Adolf Hiremy Hirschl

Death Walk Softly

Death would you walk softly?
Yet please, surprise me not
Do not creep til I least suspect it, not again
But it is not for myself that I plead for but so few friend
stalk not quietly those I love
Even when those I once loved and really never knew attempted to undo love true.
Gave stars and emeralds to those I love still to unlove me
What is the crime
Which one do you think is mostly dirt in grime
That love, you know? you can climb
Even when dead it leaves a print to rise higher and up
Up from that filth even if their blood be of mine
When those I loved were desperate then to see my tears?
For I had been to such love unkind
They must’ve known I would not cry
Not for something not yet mine.
It’s just that love past was still so unclear
Because I live in the past like you love of mine
Knew I not yet if my dear past aligned
And it’s such a shame to my Iast enemy
That paving the way for such to flee
Gave me time alone to know well of me
To Sit and to know surely I was free
It’s still hard and not quite agreed
But surely we are parting as waters in three
Sorry just someones tricks
But those tricks were never on me.
Just one here but soon to just me.
And me it will stay
Looking at the river parting
Who looks to the end
Or around the bend
And seek clearly and then so very clearly see
We must always have Done so
Just as who paid to give over pain
I wish they’d have known
me better than to call me insane
made fools more of them to believe
You did not know me but neither did my peers
sorrow deep in blood running like  oil before it clears
Yet death tread softly upon those
who so few are left to rot
You may come once when I unlatch
Detach from the soft gone stale
suspected death  when I’m watching it ride my way on a horse pale
Death come harsh of heaven or hell
But do not steal breath from those who know you less
Death flee from the passage
And The dark our eyes stress
Death wears lifes badge
Until it falls in the dust
Take in love but one must distrust
The hand of that which means nothing
Death come swiftly into the crowd
Death proudly on lifes arm
But it is life that is too proud
So one will leave the party too soon
The night will swallow what day had to give
Death stomps loudest upon the shortest lived
We know it looms and lurks
But that which is young has no time to jerk
Before the clutches that are so impossibly tight
Balance your dark and light
If you do not unto
Death walks softly behind you
And you can stare right at it
It may smirk at you and walk on
Do not disturb the stalk of death
Like a tiger in the dusk light holding its breath
It takes the foolish and the broken
The dying and the unspoken
Yet if too many times you’ve invited it arms wide
It will shirk you and leave you aside
Mock you and make sure you live to watch it mercilessly stalk all you know
Do not welcome death.. fear it
Let it come to you slow
It wants you to believe it is all by chance
Do not be fooled by fates rigid dance
Life and death flirt so very much
That it could be called a gothic romance
But a bad one and one that ends with the winters glance
Eyes glowing in spring are unblinking by fall
And white as the falling snow around blue skin
Staring up at the sky
When winter solstice begins
In the white blizzard deaths sly grin.
Upon a soul who death
Walked upon softly to steal their breath
A surprise both to both.
For i took a path I meant not to take
And death had turned left thinking it should choose that morning another way
And bumped into each other did we
On a tiny road out in the wilderness where we both did stray.
Lost until we found eachother
A collecting plate passed amongst the spirits long passed
They bet on who would win
But I could never voice that I let death win
I did not want to die
Indeed I might’ve tried
But I’d let death win again.
For there may be someone there I insist
Someone there I forgot to miss
I beleieve not in dying
So I’d let death win
But death be tricked
And I’d breath again
After walking the afterlife to make sure death did not lend
A hand to any loved
I refuse death
I have many a breath
I could never frown long enough
For I wake in the morning with new love
But worry I for all that passes
Life is long
Without them all here along aside me
So a shackled death is kinder and feels free.
Freeze time until I can see
That all are warm and safe
That all can be brave
Need me not to save
That I can finally now save me
Just death walk softly
Do not surprise 2,5,8,3
Can you see?
Can you see it?
Be safe near the woods
7 miles The forests watch
Be safe
Taking no friend.?
you walk alone?
Protect yourself.
Beware the the metal eye blackened from a blow
Explosive from a blow from that which cannot take any way home but their own.
A metal black eye.
The pupil hollow.
Demons crawl out
But crawl not inside
For it’s a doorway to the other side
If you’re looking right inside.
How such wicked will, silent, go
how the good demands their glow
How the dead speak
Hear them slow
Not wanting to know
A mystery the end I’d rather never know.
But how can I not?
When the ending so
So softly flows.
And wether it’s desired or no
It’s coming in even if it comes slow.

I had a dream of someone getting pulled over by cops with over 20 of Coca Cola haha ... it wasn’t good.. then someone getting hurt or killed in gun violence ... getting a lot of bad things in this dream.. I always take them as warning .. it wasn’t too me haha soap soap soap... yea that would be impossible with me. But it made me jittery when I woke up and I wrote ... it was very real. Felt dangerous .. a lot of intrustworthy people .. normally I don’t have dreams like that. I have bad dreams but not about specific people or things

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