Her name is mine
He said you ain’t no good, But you look so good He said what if I could But I got leave you alone He said every man thinks you bad
Make no mistake, God is in me Is not I am in God God is man
Last night Night of uncertainty Worst feeling I’ve felt since I’v… It was just as painful as that of… To wake up am hours and hear the w…
How can I kill you? Inside me? Without killing me? Get out of me I want someone to love me
I hate her I hate her so much, I hate her more than you, Everything you she did to you She did to me too
Teach me to be like you, It’s too late. Firm handshakes and dirty shoes, It’s too late. Mind that rejects pain even when t…
Is this how Adam and Eve felt, FELT ashamed? ‘And they knew they were naked and hid’ HID from God?
Heartless boy, Can’t catch no feelings. Her heart is your toy. Gave up on your healing. Perfect man as decoy,
Met a beautiful soul, My heart he stole. Not brother but brotherly, Maybe in another life it would be… He’s a good one,
Fall in love with me Fall out of line with you Stimulations through your mind Your weak spots I’ll find Curves of my body to entice, it’s…
With silence he hides it, But his eyes he can’t disguise it, I ask myself why he tries to fight… Finally he speaks, His voice sounds like music to the…
Ask a pastor or a church person and they more than likely say dive into his word or you’ll feel him if you just listen to a sermon Sometimes I feel like when we’re so hurt it’s hard to ...
I look for you in his smile, The way his skin creases on his le… Your skin would crease on your lef… Its the way she speaks, using her… It’s All to familiar, like your s…
What you been up too? Just wanna know what’s new How’s that career going Sometimes I lurk looks like ur gl… But you looking good is nothing ne…
Give me all your tears, I’ll make them it into my rainy da… Hand me all your fears, I’ll make them my demons & pray th… And all that pain in your heart,