
UNICORNS (an acrostic)

An Acrostic Poem...

'U’'ndeniably mythological; creatures of fairy tale.
'N’'eeding not any proof, we just know that they were there.
'I’'n dreams, in thoughts, and stories - are where they may be found;
'C’'oloring imagination with feelings quite profound.
'O’'r perhaps in a long ago time; and a far, far away land.
'R’'unning free in fields of stardust;
'N’'ever touched by human hands.
'S’'heltered forever by rumor, their magical mystery stands.


An acrostic poem is a poem that spells a word vertically with every beginning letter of each verse. In this case, it's U-N-I-C-O-R-N-S. For an acrostic, rhyming and/or meter are not necessary, just more challenging, which makes it so much more fun...

#Acrostic #FairyFantasy #TalesUnicorns

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