=={{What If and Why Not?? }}==
The author wishes to note that she has phrased her vision as, "caught in a bubble," as opposed to saying, "trapped in a bubble." This is very significant because none are trapped, for every single one will eventually leave this life for whatever might await stationed beyond the perception of 'living.'
The intention here, is to convey that we simply are caught up for the moment, wherever it is that we may be; moving on at some undesignated time in an uncertain future, a concept which is merely a convenient illusion to begin with. But it doesn't matter, really.
In the whole, infinite and ever-expanding, universal (cosmic and karmic) scheme of things, nothing really MATTERS when ALL THINGS are considered. Which is more the reason to believe that we're all swimming around blind with difficulty breathing, bumping into our surroundings, ourselves, and one another... An entire population lost and gasping for a breath of life that offers a promise of hope that light might be cast upon our fast depleting moral/political conducts and our overly-tolerant, equally ridiculous and asinine realities.
For me, this is intensely intriguiging subject matter for one to ponder... If anyone might have anything to add to this present self-discussion, I encourage all comments. Whether you agree or disagree or respond in a positive or negative manner, I'd be thrilled to learn how others might perceive the perception/s of the "everyone else."
So... What do YOU think? Do you think reality is simply what your mind is able to interpret by way of the 5 basic senses (6 for some)? Or, could the solidity of ultimate truth be closer to that of, "The Matrix," where the human existence is equivilant to a disposable alkaline battery? What about the infinitude of ins-between???
In all seriousness, if you're reading this, I sincerely look forward to learning your thoughts on the subject. Isn't it silly how we're all poets/writers here, yet when it comes to reviewing the work of others, many of us act as though we're afraid to express a plain opinion; all the while, seeking nothing more than exactly that for ourselves? All those here are seeking some sort of knowledge as to whether or not their work is noticed or even felt by another... For right now, I'm not terribly concerned about what you may think of this poem or whether or not you enjoyed it.. I'm interested in knowing how you see the world!
The art of ART ITSELF... is EXPRESSION! Express yourself... all alone or with a stranger, using a new or secondhand perspective... It'll become very much "yours" when you add your own personal Zwing to it...
Share Your Thoughts,
Share Your Poetry.
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My apologies for the ramble... It happens from time to time... At the very least, I hope this rant was amusing! 8^P
#Liner #Metaphors #OnePhilosophical #RealityTwist