
Painted Feathers Beguile (japanese haiku)

A hummingbird's true identity is revealed...

'0 - < - * - > o:)O(: o < - * - > - 0'
                             * . . * . . * . . *
'faery’' 'in’' 'disguise’'
'zipping’' 'to’' 'and’' 'fro’' 'with’' 'ease’'
'humming’' 'as’' 'she’' 'glides’'
                            * `` * `` * `` *
           '0 - < - * - > o:)O(: o < - * - > - 0'


Common haiku format:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

I believe hummingbirds to be what I call "planetary" faeries. No one would ever suspect considering their glinting disguise of brightly painted feathers. Why else would they be able to fly with zero-gravity capabilites? Anyway, I could go very in depth with attempting to explain this idea but it would take all day and you'd end up thinking I was stark raving mad...

Next time you see a hummingbird, send it a wink and make a wish! And be sure to tell her that Callyope let the sylth outta the satchel... It's time for faeries to come out from hiding!

#Birds #FaeriesFairies #Haiku #Hummingbirds #Nature

Autres oeuvres par Callyope...
