A rapier A sword A blade What can take away my pain? I cannot hear another no
I crunched some leaves today To remind me of the little things Did Joy stay in my past? Can foliage in the autumn stay To remind me of the better days?
My heart is verbose– Incapable to compose. Oh my tongue– articulate the right words, I cannot formulat… Mouth– sing her a melodious song
The days of delight and bliss are… The nights are filled with ecstasy… Oh—our love—so sweet and forever t… Our love, so strong, who dares to… Your gentle touch is tender, pure,…
Beautiful woman Flawless and pure Full bosoms, Fertile womb. Elegant and kind
In a room where roach crawls A silence befalls People stand apart No sound– no bird calls The room– a former dance hall
The landscape of God Surrounds me Yet you hold My gaze– His finest masterpiece.
Oh she who hath remarkable beauty Fair skin and enchanting eyes Oh the melody thou tongue confess Oh the gentleness of thou touch Great is her eternal beauty–
In the scarlet hue of the early mo… The goldfinch begins to sing Calling for the start of spring Rich, sapphire blue is forming For soon the sun will rise
Liars and thieves sleep on the Co… Gluttons guide their lambs to the… Marauders murder with spotless han… Slanderers and mud-slingers steal… Adulterers abandon the self– selli…
In the early spring, On Saint David’s Day, A young babe boy was born. Born to a loving mother Born to a loving father
The bank of a river Where children go to play Smooth stones lay Mountains of red clay Rampant rushing rapids
Where do I begin and you end? Let us partake in the liquor prepa… Our love and juniper berries. Fermented, fresh-pressed fruit From the seeds of our mothers and…
Majestic and unique; Special and pure; Abstract and distinct; The Unicorn with its lure. The Unicorn is hunted;
A sapling seed lies in a field of… Roots slowly dig and grow into ric… The beauty of thus hath never been… Whirlwinds come to the tree, yet c… Listen– the leaves tell of thy lov…