C. J. Dennis

Our Street

In our street, the main street
 Running thro’ the town,
You see a lot of busy folk
 Going up and down:
Bag men and basket men,
 Men with loads of hay,
Buying things and selling things
 And carting things away.
The butcher is a funny man,
 He calls me Dandy Dick;
The baker is a cross man,
 I think he’s often sick;
The fruiterer’s a nice man,
 He gives me apples, too;
The grocer says, “Good morning, boy,
 What can I do for you?”
Of all the men in our street
 I like the cobbler best,
Tapping, tapping at his last
 Without a minute’s rest;
Talking all the time he taps,
 Driving in the nails,
Smiling with his old grey eyes -
 (Hush)... telling fairy tales.
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