Matriarchy’s coming fast, Matriarchy’s here! Man’s supremacy at last Finds the end is near. Since the days of troglodytes,
Sadly sobbing, sadly sobbing, Rolls the restless wireless sea, Where the wireless waves go bobbin… Up and down so dolefully. And nothing there the gloom assail…
By lagoons and reedy places, Where the little river races By the lips of dreaming pools Where the soothing water cools Many a verdant slope and hollow,
There is women, yer Worship, of v… An’ some of 'em’s fluffy a’ foolis… An’ some is sispicious an’ mean in… An’ others fair set-like an’ mulis… There is some, as I owns, is real…
Golden bird whose golden voice, When the summer days wax long Cheery optimist from choice Bids the feathered world rejoice With full many a varied song
‘Swe-e-et! Swe-e-et!’ Low at fi… Full of soft seductiveness on a wh… Who comes in mercy now, crumbs of… For a grey bird pleading from a co… Just a thread of tallow-fat, just…
They were a merrie companie, Who’d dwelt together all these yea… A little mixed in type, maybe; Yet prone to mingle now as peers, For old acquaintance sake; and so,
Oh, foolish flapper, keen to be Considered cute and up-to-date, Sit down a while and hark to me, And I shall truly read your fate Not in a tea-cup, sweetling mine;
My natal day was yesterday; And so I said to Fate, ‘What gifts bring you, by one, by… To ease my parlous state?’ ‘I proffer blindly,’ Fate replied…
Ses Cullen, the cockie, he ses to… ‘Now, I puts it to you in this wa… If a feller....(Woah, Ginger! C… If a feller sets out fer to say Where he happens to stand in this…
Surely must you know me, Friendly and content; All my actions show me Freely confident; With my band of toilers,
Mum’s bit of egg money on the mant… In the broken teapot in the olden… Hardly earned and hoarded there, Much content afforded there Long before inspectors came and bu…
But, why a picnic, Jane? We went… And missed the Cup; and you know… Because we lost - Oh! yes, you di… I had the tip, but I was not beli… It’s just sheer nonsense to deny i…
A month ago the world grew grey fe… A month ago the light went out fer… To ‘er they broke it gentle as mig… But fer ’is pal ‘twus one uv them… That stops the ’eart-beat; fer to…
Oh, I’ve ridden 'em rough an’ I’v… Brumbies and prads well-bred. Of every colour and every kind (The old stock-rider said). I’ve broken the wild Blanchwater…