C. J. Dennis


(I’m not trying to make this thing rhyme
But, at the same time,
A little interlude like this
Is not amiss).
We interviewed a Mayor and asked gently, ‘Dost
Think, my lord, that thy great city is a pleasant place wherein to dwell?  For, if
 not, why not?’  And he answered, ‘Dust!’
He seemed perturbed.  Something was on his mind.  He could not talk.  He could not
 say one word excepting
We fear that the interview was a bit of a frost.  We wanted to ask him all sort of
 things about markets, and the letting of the Town Hall, and jay-walking
 regulations; but all he would answer was just
And when outside into the street we went
We knew just
What he meant.
Otras obras de C. J. Dennis...
