Bryan Procter

Song (Here’s a Health to Thee, Mary...)

Here’s a health to thee, Mary,
Here’s a health to thee;
The drinkers are gone,
And I am alone,
To think of home and thee, Mary.
There are some who may shine o’er thee, Mary,
And many as frank and free,
And a few as fair,
But the summer air
Is not more sweet to me, Mary.
I have thought of thy last low sigh, Mary,
And thy dimm’d and gentle eye;
And I’ve called on thy name
When the night winds came,
And heard my heart reply, Mary.
Be thou but true to me, Mary,
Аnd I’ll be true to thee;
Аnd at set of sun,
When my task is done,
Вe sure that I’m ever with thee, Mary.
Autres oeuvres par Bryan Procter...
