In a thunderous calamity, the shouts of the wretched, moves with the wind, carrying the decaying scent of the whole heartedly, a bunch of fools they are believing that change wasn’t near, that still going about there day to day lives would not lead to there demise, i pity the fools but i also envy them, cause they are now free from the restraints of the hellish prison we call life.
Never able to love, never able to hate, a perpetual fate that i would love to relate, no more worries, no more tears, feeling alone, would no longer be a fear, embracing eternity as a spiritual being, accepting my heaven and living happily with no feelings.
*sighs* if only things could be that simple, but alas it is time to wake up, the sun is rising, and the moon is in hiding, no more dreaming, it is time for living, it was a blissful feeling though, a nice get away from these earthly decaying ways...