Bonnie Louise Palmer

TO BE...continued Part 5

A Rose and a Pen

Yesterday is gone they say..whoever it is that is “they”
Gone, water under the bridge, washed completely away.
Not true, I protest, to whomever may listen today
Yesterday is the foundation I stand on for the way.
I did the best I could with what I had with no regret
So this morning when the birds began to sing new goals are set.
Love some, laugh some and above all just BE
It is not that easy just being me.
Introspection and soul-felt creations
Yearn to come out and fall on the pages.
Wake up my love…wake up and read
There’s words to share and dream fields to seed.
Sow the notes of the song within
Begin the day with a rose and a pen.
Put it all down so I can share the dreams and emotion
The ebb and flow of your inside ocean.
Wash the shells to the shore and adorn the sand
Tell of of yesterday and hold my hand.


Other works by Bonnie Louise Palmer...
