As I sail through a handkerchief of snobs
I take with me only nightmares to shock me out
Of coriolis depression
I deepen the thought of my sadness
As I suicide dive into a 3D pond
I plead with me loneliness into a forest separated
The nourishing movement of brain cells
Influenced by the high motion of smoke
Only I still know I never got lost in the smoke
I only got caught in the wind like a gust of air
Gazed at immensely roughing up the patches
On my Balmain jeans
I perhaps thought of strangers calling my name
Like they were the ones who stole my toys
And left their blissful bleeding pen
A reluctant click on its hip a fountaneous fountain
Dangling upon my head
Wristfully holding each hand at slavery
To perceive the thoughts penetrate through my forehead
And clear its innety for it is in likendly madness thrilled lunacy
I know secrets that can upside the world like the mirrors facing crust
I still conceive comprehendedly collaborated institically brainwashed
To nourish my mind and still curve at slavery.