Bill Newbold

balancing the perfect and the imperfect

making this up now

on a second thought there is no way to say what I have to say so I will not say anything but that would just be too redundant absurd and intangerinable then number twenty the number twenty-one the number twelve, twelve, then there is the twelve valvules of Isis and the thirteenth day of the year when all hell breaks loose from its foothold on paradise need not the divine be intertwined between paradise and the heathen it knew so well beguiled alive into the pit of linear two dimension circuit boards that scream to go three dee forty five echo cords closer connections quicker elixirs of tonic sonic sounds abounded by the sky as we get small intoo few words to effortlessly display the arrays in trimentions and exemptions pre-redemptions where ever we really want to think karoosed by lies and triceptions void of false tempo distortions curtailed into another structure where the doctor of confusion is an illusion the delutes the view of forever...

this was slightly mixed by putting 2 poems together I guess

#Experimental-mental #Poem #Thought

Autres oeuvres par Bill Newbold...
