Bill Newbold

I am but the two

And the door to be opened or closed you close me when you are not well and peaked through the craft to see you know now when to going, this is when you think you're better the crack its wonder and opened to see are assured is to be if you will combat through me do but forget to close the things and calm and go after you stand for while thin visit them go elsewhere

9-25-97 000 1 a.m. as prices

Pieces of my life are scattered about me I try to resist but can’t anymore it is pointless de novo IM 1 a.m. and what I in doing should I care as it matters to them the try his bomb might when the rainbow waterfall explodes them on mind I remember that my body pieces on the floor his scattered across the universe time again to bring the universe together again to explode but can I do it won more time or should even try who are you the judge my thoughts on ideas you don’t want me to write this anymore do you use to me from coming together in his dream of reality which you stop here on reality from forming again and again should you expect me to explain your point to myself 41 to know me better that the real as if you were me and yet I am not you you know me not you but those your strengths fuel know weakness balance experience of the new now here and everywhere is the focus seen loose with yet awake and free everyone is with us alone exposed to the dark to light and the light to dark mix-and-match green me with a smile as if I do not know you to be this thing to Hall’s dealing a reality from you can you can stop me I know you to well yet I am not you boat why repeat myself you grow slowly in 19 explain that you to everyone do not care for I know the two

When the bonds and in my life is over plan to get the times with me on by ask yourself to know the answer of our age be there was in a way to begin over the life true truth of lights and is more real today and forever store the mind and after a way to the sky forever speak about talking in a different taste of a forever explain the testing and to another lights times and over exposed to society the single entity of a place IM in and ailing outside the entity in you become clues into the acre life without identity IM no longer with it would remember our lots alone like you to see the end, again been before knowing I via the truth of the token of symbols that life began its Spokane to him immense strange pen the taking changed to buy a better lesion of law of notice for it is time again now Mall in chances are many look is proved to it to experiment or playful tricky eat it chose Joel sells food to goat and yet you stay and talk Jim tells moves that flow and yet your stock am bought Dad Phelps pools in the show and yet yours by walk John's hell pool is low and yet yours fiscal fiscal link to original poem post for this on the internet -
from a poetry book that is handwritten and mostly full of poems youtube link to music for poem-


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