It’s like something so unexplainable, there is no definition for this word, it’s perfect, the only meaning I could come up with for this type of thing is, it just is! It’s something special, so very special, ur putting together a puzzle and this piece clearly doesn’t belong there, so your searching for the right one, but you try this one and although it’s slightly off, it gives this picture a fresh look, it doesn’t quite look like the cover shows it should but I like this picture better, I didn’t force it into place, it placed itself! The problem is we are so limited to the common, we have forgotten the ability to create, rearrange, and claim, so I’m gonna accept what I’ve worked on and this new creation well I like it, it’s different, so that means no one else has this, well maybe, but it’s rare so don’t mind my stare, I’m in awe so I’m gonna say nice! Thank you cause this is my new life, a blown light needs to be changed in order to see again, but this time I’m gonna make sure I look as this now brightens and shines! So I’ll ask u are you ready? Ok lets go, let’s flip the switch together, it’s on!