Barb Clarke

Yoga 101

Inhale, the arms float up,
Exhale, the arms float down,
Namaste, at the heart.
Inhale, the body bends,
Hands at top of mat,
Feet pressing back,
The body in a V, exhale,
Downward-Facing Dog.
Inhale the feet jump
To the front of the mat,
Exhale, swooping into
Forward Bend, inhale
Hands on shins, crown
Of head goes up, exhale,
The heart opens, Namaste.
Inhale, squatting with hands
At sides, then exhale,
Down on all fours
Into Table Top.
Inhale, folding legs
Into Lotus Pose, exhale,
Hands to heart, I
Bow to the teacher
And once again,
Namaste: the spirit in me
Honors, the spirit in you.


Written after yoga class one day. Namaste!

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