With the dying of the leaves, comes renewal. Autumn 10-16-24.
Soft gray clouds pass slowly by, Soon they will release a gift of r… Trees are shedding their leaves As they turn red, orange and yello… Signaling the squirrels to collect…
In the dead Of Winter, I long for Spring. In the rains Of Spring,
Itchy eyes scaly feet achy joints and bad teeth hair so fine
In the noble purpose of my life, In the clear and quiet chamber Of my soul, In the open and warm cave Of my heart,
Dark bulk of a single bird, With red puffed up chest, As winter’s breeze sways his perch…
Half a world away, I walk a narrow, stone path. In the rice fields, the Balinese people
As I enter my sixty-third year, Fall leaves grace the path I love, With hues of red, Gold and orange.
The many places I have been And countless faces I have seen, The many tales to be told, Into the universe, they unfold. It’s all a passing show,
The buck in the garden Chewing up hard earned Labor, His antlers raise, His ears perk up, as
One lit candle burns brightly As I make a wish upon it’s Golden aura, that Humankind May learn to caress the earth As the wind does a field of flower…
My heart is a good heart, It beats strongly And works hard, To keep me alive. My mind is a good mind,
On the brink of leaving, To go beyond These borders And say good-bye, To all you know,
If I had all the time In the world To write, What would I say? What would be the most
Thoughts flicker like twinkling lights, ride them across the sky. Embrace your dream,
The white snow lay gently on the ground in a swirl pattern. The sky, a slab of smooth grey stone.