Amethyst Azalea

Decoding the true Essence of Mystery

If for all loved Unconditional, this world would be what our ancestors wanted for us, and that was All Things

To be completely honest, I will always be a mystery, and I absolutely love it. When I was a kid no one wanted to play with me, I often got abused by All around me. I often felt Alone in a cold WORLD. I was made out to be a horrible person, never good enough, and at a point in my life not even for me. It’s the one’s that KNOW that have to be the MYSTERY. Because I was put in this world to Help people open their eyes and SEE. Get folks out of tunnel vision that screams wicked misery. I’m often asked why am I so kind, well its because I’ve always been the One who knew Love because it was rejected, I’ve known gratitude because I got ran over like a tree. I got trash thrown all threw Me. The only survival I had was in Me. You see tons of Lost people think I actually care what people think of me, but its polar opposite, I Care for and Love everything, even what doesn’t Love Me. I hand my enemy’s Rose’s and jewels, they spit on my naked back when I walk away from Thy. Once in this World all will truly See that I’m a gift to everybody. I am the Light we all must beam. I Am all and all is me. So I will keep rising until I can make Love with the Sea. Next time you look at a  cover, open it, you might find yourself Right within that BOOK, you thought was nothing. After all nothing, just thinking about it, is actually everything. And For Nothing I would’ve became everything.

Tales from a Dead Man walking, until she was rebirthed by the Love she had for She

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