Havelah L.

Glacier National Park

For my Spiritual Home

My wheeled tribe’s steel-hog trip
Has now peaked in the valleys of drifts
On Glaciers, glossed by dew. Still come,
Though this frost does surprise the unequipped.
Bear-grass can grow despite
Perma-snow that glows white.
Rain, froze and colored like
Scenes of this biome. Ascending one might
Find that the foliage flees far from
Sight—on steep slopes, sleek with sleet despite
Perma-snow that glows white.
Bear-grass can grow despite
Great periods of drought.
That are caused by the capture of amounts
Of water, lost to ice in lumps
That young grizzlies will press ‘gainst dark snouts.


I wrote this poem in honor of Glacier National Park which is located in Glacier, Montana. This was part of a project where we created our own forms. Try to guess mine before looking below! I didn't put the meter but y'all can figure it out.


Annapest -- a
Annapest -- a
Iambic -- b
Annapest -- a

A Iambic -- C
B Trochee -- C

Dactyl -- d
Dactyl -- d
Trochee -- b
Dactyl -- d

B Trochee -- C
A Iambic -- C

Anapest -- e
Anapest -- e
Iambic -- b
Anapest -- e


Otras obras de Havelah L....
