Havelah L.

Day 19: Cliche

For the Landlocked Lovers of Literature

If the shoe fits,
why try so hard to this mode vanquish?
If the shoe fits,
why object to familiar wit?
In flight from this artists anguish
But why reject shod-en language:
if the shoe fits?


This is day 19 of my month long Rondelet marathon! I wrote this poem as a reflection inspired by my fellow poet's, Cody Fox, sonnet on cliche in romantic poetry. I find it troublesome that once something is branded cliche it's considered "cheap" literature. While I avoid things that annoy me, or bore me, or have been used to the point where meaning is lost-- I do not disguard metaphors that I like simply because they've been used before.


Autres oeuvres par Havelah L....
