Sin’s history inked Her words poison in my veins On the other side
Take a stand alone Hoping the message is clear Nobody but me Its not you its me The familiar taste of hope
My last breath is hers I’m under her influence Aeonian love
Alone yet crowded Paradise don’t let me down Crowded yet alone
Life one shot away The end is drawing nearer The answer is within reach Tears and loneliness Extreme pleasure then more pain
Shut down uncertain Arms length from the other side Emotionless blade Loves a world away Unnatural existence
Person deconstruct Come please I’m falling deeper Another trigger
Insidious you Memories like a black hole Night kisses the day
Going under please Hollow words like darkness spreads Winter fuels your heart
I’m the first you told The others knew before me Love and misery Love crushed by desire Afraid ready to take flight
Black days to blue nights Alone in a crowded room Find one like myself You betray yourself Your presence felt, I found you
You can shackle you It’s so hungry in the dark It’s some cruel penance Unclear agony Who shows up, who walks away
Just breathe simply breathe Leader of no one but one Simply breathe just breathe Do this anymore I don’t deserve your anger
Child to an adult One’s frozen needs affect all Can’t let the love go Awake or at sleep Ringing in my head brings light