Tony J



M, M , N

You float like a feather on the air,
disappearing sometimes with the sunset,
rising again with the moon’s dawn.
You dance invisible among the tunes of the stars
running through dreams and nightmares
provisioning my knight’s heart of endless chivalry
with infinite bravery to destroy the shadows of night.
You sing with the beats of your heart and the blinking of eyes
while the tunes of my voice calling your name
provoke angelic jealousy to surround our chant.
My lines here are devoted to the reflection of your beauty
that only exists when its reflected on my eyeballs
and that cannot be so deep to the superficial sight
of those who can only see with open eyes,
those who have not learned to read your steps and taste your soul.
Stop flying from nest to nest,
trying only to embrace the hypocritical chest of men
whose warmth has long ago vanished
among the reddish lips of time.
Come for the real fire who waves the flag of joy,
and let’s avenge together the death of the lost time
and let’s give birth to a new glory of remembrance,
prosperity and love.

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