Anonymous Addict

Your Not Alone

Don’t you want something better
Don’t you want something true
Not a mask to hide behind
But Something thats really you
Why have you been hiding
Is life to much to bear
Everything your going through
Somebodies been there
Just listen up
Your not alone
No, Im not here to bring you down
Im here to show you where you can go
Now go and let your guard down
Its ok to let tears fall
No one here will judge you
There’s no need to have a wall
Its good to tell your story
Everyone’s got a past
This place is a safe zone
Your no worse than the last
Just listen up
Your not alone
Cuz we’re not here to bring you down
We’re here to show you where you can go
Show us who really are
You don’t need to hide
The only thing you’ve got to lose
Is what you’ve got inside
So open up.
Let it out.
Show the world who you really are
Because your beautiful, no doubt.
All your scars and bruises
From life throwing you down
All they are, are battle scars
And for that you should be proud
Autres oeuvres par Anonymous Addict...
