#EnglishWriters #FemaleWriters
On an ATHEIST. Posthumus boasts he does not Thun… And for this cause would Innocent… That in his Soul no Terrour he do… At threatn’d Vultures, or Ixion’s…
On BILLINDA. Wanton Bellinda loudly does compl… I’ve chang’d my Love of late into… Calls me unconstant, cause I now… The chast Marcella, that lov’d he…
Under the Discipline of an Excell… How comes the Day orecast? the Fl… Darkn’d at Noon, as if his Course… He never rose more proud, more gla… Ne’re courted Daphne with a brigh…
Whose Lord was Travelling. No sooner I pronounced Celindas n… But Troops of wing’d Pow’rs did c… Not those the Poets Bows and Arr… But such as on the Altar do atten…
FArewel ye Unsubstantial Joyes, Ye Gilded Nothings, Gaudy Toyes, Too long ye have my Soul misled, Too long with Aiery Diet fed: But now my Heart ye shall no more
Melibæus, Alcippe, Asteria, Lic… Melibæus. Welcome fair Nymphs, m… Distemp’ring Heats do now the Pla… But you may sit, from Sun securel… If you an old mans company not fea…
1 Here take no Care, take here… 2 Nor ought of Art or Labour us… 3 But let thy Lines rude an… 4 Nor Equal be their Feet, nor… 5 The ruggeder my Measures…
OF all the Poisons that the fruit… E’er yet brought forth, or Monste… Nought to Mankind has e’er so fat… As thou, accursed Gold, their Car… Methinks I the Advent’rous Merch…
Afflicted upon her Son, My Lord… So the renowned Ithacensian Queen In Tears for her Telemachus was s… When leaving Home, he did attempt… Of rageing Seas, to seek his abse…
1 We deem them moderate, but En… 2 What barely will suffice, and… 3 Who say, (O Jove) a competenc… 4 Neither in Luxury, or Want we… 5 But what is that, which these…
Return my dearest Lord, at length… Let me no longer your sad absence… Ilium in Dust, does no more Work… No more Employment for your Wit o… Why did not the fore-seeing Gods…
[I.] Arise my Dove, from mid’st of Pot… Thy sully’d Habitation leave, To Dust no longer cleave, Unworthy they of Heaven, that wil…
The Sun’s my Fire, when it does s… The hollow Spring’s my Cave of W… The Rocks and Woods afford me Me… This Lamb and I on one Dish eat: The neighbouring Herds my Garment…
Under the Name of ALINDA. A SONG. Th’ ambitious Eye that seeks alon… Where Beauties Wonders most are s… Of all that bounteous Heaven disp…
WHen first Alexis did in Verse d… His Muse in Low, but Graceful Nu… And now and then a little Proudly… But never aim’d at any noble Flig… The Herds, the Groves, the gentle…