Angel Skryer

My Incubus

Once upon a time
there was a little girl,
who hid herself away from the world.
She shut herself from the sun,
turned her back on the stars
and shut the door to the moon
But maybe just one more chance
was all that she needed now,
someone to hold her and love her,
Now, that’s all she ever asked
She found that special someone
the one who made her laugh
The one who challenged her at every turn
Oh, the hours they could burn!
He, with his charming voice
Intelect and wit
Eyes a mirror of her own
Oh, her loving Incubus
he made her live again


this is for my best friend, I fell in love with him with out ever noticing it, even though I can't be with him he will always be my teddy, my best friend and the insperation for this
P.s this is writen for Gino Paul Solomon, I love you my teddybear, forever and always

Other works by Angel Skryer...
