Angela Erwin

Boys That Lie

"It's been such a long time coming, but I feel good..." - Amy Lee (Evanescence)

Boys that lie try to be so cool
And treat women like we are fools
Yet the boys who think they are so cunning
Are the ones who usually end up running
Boys that are deceivers can’t hide their lies
You can see it with a trick of their eyes
Degrading women like we are unaware
But make no mistake, we know you are there
Take heed boys we have a sixth sense
That tell us when to be on defense
Your obvious attempt to try to scare
Doesn’t make us worry or care
Boys who bully and want us to fear you
Don’t have a clue the damage we can do
We will expose you and your devious game
And everyone you know will look upon you with shame
Be careful when you try to strong arm the frail
You may think we’re stupid but we can make your life hell
Don’t underestimate our quiet disposition
Because revenge is our ultimate ambition
The time will come when your psychosis will blow
And we will stand back and watch the show
And then everyone will know what a rat you really are
And the victory will be ours
Boys who think they are intimidating and strong
We are smarter than you and will prove you wrong
So don’t pretend you’re dominate and superior
We will cut you down and make you inferior


Inspired by a good friend who was once married to an abusive man.

Other works by Angela Erwin...
