Angel Lady (Sandi Guidotti)

My Beautiful Big Baby Boy!

Willie was my beautiful, kind, loving Old English Sheepdog
I got him when he was 6 months old, a big guy
When I went to go look at him he was this huge fluff ball
There was a little wiener dog and they were playing
Willie would chase the other dog then come hide behind me
As much as to say, Please protect me please
I absolutely fell in love with him at that moment
I got him right before Thanksgiving
So come Christmas I sat him by the Christmas Tree
I put a huge red bow around his chest
We were having company and when they saw him
They thought he was a big stuffed animal
Until he moved, then they just had to hug him
He loved me his Mommy, as I loved him, my fluffy son
We use to take him camping and he loved it
We’d make mountain pies and he’d eat the ones that would fall
I miss him so much, he brought such joy to my family
He was an Angel and was all about giving love
My son was just talking about him the other day
He said when I would go out, Willie knew if I was in the car or the truck
He’d hear me pulling up in the driveway and meet me at the door
It was like every time he saw me was the first time, tail wagging
His parents and Grandparents were Show Dogs. They won many shows
I couldn’t do that to him, he was my big baby boy
When he was about 12 years old and he started slowing down
I would watch him and think, is that day coming soon.
He needed a few operations which slowed him down more
When he turned 13, he was loosing his ability to walk
We even made him a ramp to go out to go to the bathroom
He would only go with me or my younger son, he loved him so
So now his hind legs are giving out, but he still ate etc.
Then he just stopped eating or drinking his water
It hurt my Heart to see him in such pain and I called the Vet
As I made his appointment, he just looked at me like Thanks Mom
I took him the next day and all the way there I just held him in my arms
Soon my big little boy would be running and jumping over The Rainbow Bridge
As the vet listened to his vitals etc, he said his blood pressure was so low
He said you are doing the greatest thing for Willie, I said “I know”
I held my beautiful sweet Angel as the Vet gave him his shot
It was so peaceful and he went to sleep looking at his Mom
Sorry, I just had too stop and wipe my eyes as the tears won’t stop-4/21/14 I’m ok now, back   to my story
I just held him until I knew I had to go. His time was done
He never did one thing wrong, in fact he was just perfect
He was so Precious and only gave us his pure sweet Love
My younger son wrote a story about his Hairy Brother Willie
It was so beautiful and what a Tribute to this wonderful ball of fur
You never forget, and both my son and me dream of him
I still have his Nylabone half chewed, I can’t get rid of it
He meant the world to me, he just lived everyday to be with me
How very Honored and Privileged I was to be his Mom
I know he’s up in Dog Heaven running and playing all the time
No more pain, as our Heavenly Father watches over him
I know when it’s my time he’ll be waiting for me to come home
Then together we will never loose each other and never be alone
My Heart felt such grief when he departed
I knew if that was me I’d want to be put out of my pain
I have no regrets, I loved my baby boy until his end
I have a Shih Tzu now, his name is Rocky
He is so much like my Willie, wouldn’t hurt a soul
He’s helped me through a most difficult time in my life
He’s my little, little baby boy who gives me untold joy
He’s 10 years old and I hate the thoughts of what is ahead
I just take it day by day, hug by hug and kiss by kiss
My Willie was my greatest Joy he would have loved his brother Rocky
Rocky would have been Willie’s little bro
God sent them both to me and I Thank Him So!


My Old English Sheepdog died years ago. Just a poem I wrote now about what a beautiful and wonderful dog he was. His name was Willie. He was 13 when I had to put him down. It hurt too much to watch the pain he was in. He's at peace and for that I'm so happy. He will Never be forgotten. He was and always will be my BEAUTIFUL ANGEL!


Other works by Angel Lady (Sandi Guidotti)...
