How vainly men themselves amaze To win the Palm, the Oke, or Bay… And their uncessant Labours see Crown’d from some single Herb or… Whose short and narrow verged Sha…
To make a final conquest of all me… Love did compose so sweet an Enem… In whom both Beauties to my death… Joyning themselves in fatal Harmo… That while she with her Eyes my H…
Damon come drive thy flocks this w… D. No: ’tis too late they went astray… I have a grassy Scutcheon spy’d, Where Flora blazons all her pride…
Verses to accompany a portrait… Bright Martial Maid, Queen of th… The northern pole supports thy shi… Behold what furrows age and steel… The helmet’s weight oppressed this…
An Horatian Ode upon Cromwell… The forward youth that would appea… Must now forsake his muses dear, Nor in the shadows sing, His numbers languishing.
Sir, Our times are much degenerate from… Which your sweet muse with your fa… And as complexions alter with the… Our wits have drawn the infection…
See how the Orient Dew, Shed from the Bosom of the Morn Into the blowing Roses, Yet careless of its Mansion new; For the clear Region where ’twas…
Like the vain curlings of the wate… Which in smooth streams a sinking… So Man, declining always, disappe… In the weak circles of increasing… And his short tumults of themselve…
SEE how the flowers, as at parade… Under their colours stand display’… Each regiment in order grows, That of the tulip, pink, and rose. But when the vigilant patrol
To the Lord Fairfax. See how the arched Earth does her… Rise in a perfect Hemisphere! The stiffest Compass could not st… A line more circular and like;
Quid facis Arctoi charissime tran… Ingele, proh sero cognite, rapte c… Num satis Hybernum defendis pelli… Qui modo tam mollis nec bene firmu… Quae Gentes Hominum, quae sit Na…
Translated. Senec. Traged. ex Thyeste Chor.2… Stet quicunque volet potens Aulae culmine lubrico &c. Climb at Court for me that will
SEE with what simplicity This nymph begins her golden da… In the green grass she loves to… And there with her fair aspect… The wilder flowers, and gives t…
Regibus haec posuit Ludovicus Tem… Gratior ast ipsi Castra fuere Dom…
Dorinda When Death, shall snatch us from… And shut up our divided Lids, Tell me Thyrsis, prethee do, Whither thou and I must go.